Thursday, February 16, 2012

Public Speaking ? Creating Value Through Personal Interaction

Public speaking serves many purposes, first of which is providing information to an audience. However, this purpose often serves another master, promotion. Clearly, a public speaker only has an audience if people are interested in gaining insight and information about the topic(s) being covered, but the speaker must find value in sharing that information as well.

For many speakers, the value is intellectual, sharing of knowledge for the betterment of mankind or the expansion of knowledge in a particular field. For others it is to foster an increase in discussion and debate about a particular discipline or topic. In still other cases, the goal of speaking is to increase interest in a topic, concept, research area or product. This is the main focus of this article, the use of public speaking to increase the fiscal interests of the speaker or the entity which the speaker represents.

Examples of this application of public speaking are widespread and varied.

Authors are frequently sent on speaking engagements to build interest in their literary works. Examples of this on a small scale would be local author events at small bookstores and at larger chains. On a greater scale, appearances on major TV programs, like Oprah or Good Morning America, and Radio Talk shows are used to promote their works. By adding a personal touch and a human face to the public, the audience is further engaged with the topic discussion. On more product oriented examples (as if books are not products), infomercials are a prime example of public speaking to increase value. Using studio audiences and interaction lends credibility to product claims. When an audience can see a product being used, with witnesses present, they are subconsciously more apt to believe the claims.

Feedback from the ?common man? or a regular person like themselves allows a consumer to feel more connected to a product.

Furthermore, well known spokespeople add comfortability to the mix. People tend to feel more at ease, and less skeptical, when they see or hear information from a known source. When Publisher?s Clearing House chose Ed McMahon as their spokesperson years ago, he was well known and popular from the Tonight Show. He made PCH a household name because his name was known to so many. He was also considered trustworthy and reliable, so that affect was passed along to PCH for a time. While the advertising medium is not often considered ?public speaking? the principle is important to understand none the less.

Why would a person want to take up public speaking as a matter of vocation? What is the underlying value for this? For some, the value can be clear cut. Top notch speakers can command substantial fees for their services or appearances. Former CEO?s and politicians can often obtain fees in the thousands of dollars, some into tens of thousands. Their experiences and areas of expertise draw enough interest and respect to garner serious financial value for them and informational value for their audiences. Various motivational and financial gurus also have clear value in their speaking engagements as sales pitches. They speak to sell ?systems? or philosophies which their audiences hope to turn into financial and life success. Once again the financial value to these speakers is often clearly tracked by actual product sales attributed to particular events.

For smaller reach speakers, like members of local speaker?s bureaus and organizations, the value can be less clear, but just as real. As a consultant, I choose to speak for a variety of reasons. First, each speaking occasion is an opportunity to demonstrate my knowledge base for perspective clients. Second, speaking increases my name recognition and my ?Brand.? Thirdly, speaking adds a face to the name, which makes my name and company more memorable. The more parts of the brain a person engages in interactions the more entrenched memories will be. While views and information can be transmitted by writing, as this article aims to do, how many readers will remember my name after they finish reading it? Even fewer will remember my face; if it is even shown with the article (it is available on my profile).

However, if I present the topic as a speaker, with a copy of the article, and interact personally with members of the audience through Q and A, many more people will remember all of these things. I would also be able to personally deliver contact information to clients and continue further interactions immediately. This is the main value of taking on public speaking engagements. Add to this the ability to receive immediate feedback and the value of public speaking becomes clear. Personal interaction should not be discounted. Donating time and information to organizations can also build bonds through a sense of obligation or indebtedness on the part of the group receiving it. Loyalty, in this sense, also known as goodwill, is a principle of such value that it is even accounted for financially in Generally Accepted Accounting Principles or GAAP.

Public speaking holds the potential of great value for those who partake in it and for those who are in the audience. The skills required can be learned, so do not allow fear to keep this lucrative market tool from your arsenal. Use your knowledge and experience and share it to build your ?Brand? value in the market place. Be seen, be heard and be an asset that your potential consumers cannot afford to disregard. Name recognition is not just an asset for politicians and celebrities it is an asset for any entrepreneurs to build upon and enjoy.

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Scott Schwartz ? SDS Consulting Group ? Greenwich, CT ? 203-979-9822 ? Consulting & Speaking
Full service independent consultant. Services offered include Public Speaking, Training Programs, marketing campaigns and strategic planning at costs that small businesses can afford. Local source for small business outsourcing.


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