Monday, September 24, 2012

Links, addiction and dependence | Health Line

Terms dependence and addiction are linked to self-destructive behavior, which in a way, marked an impoverished self-insight.

It is a fact that human beings are born defenseless, needing others to achieve development.

Human beings need to depend on others

The animals born in conditions where the presence is essential for the mother. This dependence continues for the first few months of life, then the puppy achieved sustained without major difficulties. In humans, this period lasts for much of the journey vital as a human baby a year would fail to survive on their own. In this condition, the human Puppy necessarily establishes links with other dependents, since otherwise not be able to survive. They are the early links that structure to be impressing your personality and how you act.

The basic fears and links

In turn, that man can be labeled is crossed by the presence of two basic fears, Pichon Riviera, ?attachment theory? refers to the fear of losing the one hand and fear of another attack, with fears that being coexist throughout life. With each issue, limit to situations that generate anxiety and fears and anxieties will these handle such situations every man according to his personality structure, which is particular and unique in each case.


Consumption and addiction

The current trend in society is geared to consumption , an issue not less, since the human awakens the need to eat, behavior that can become dangerous because somehow enabled, replace dependence that has accompanied it since its conception, the need to consume. In the consumer need, which can in many cases be linked to reduce anxiety, addiction is displayed.

Addiction is a form of quiet anguish, and everyone in this society resolves to solve it, not as you want but as you can, from their particular personality structure, unconsciously choose behaviors to reduce anxiety and distress about living in the world. The above does not enable addiction as successful exit, but from somewhere explaining one of the causes of addiction, the goal is, somehow mark the need to strengthen the self-esteem to avoid dependency objects that are ultimately harmful.

On the other hand, can be labeled that addictive behavior is not only drugs but in wide variety of situations ranging from the compulsion to buy up the need to be at risk for increased adrenaline, through compulsion to play , drink, food, technology, gender and more. In all cases, the need for professional help would enable both self-esteem and strengthen emotional ties, initiating a process of reconstruction is where the emotional support that enable a vision of himself targeting a healthy life plan.


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