Thursday, December 29, 2011

Economic collapse is public's big worry

By Allison Linn

Natural disasters, terrorist attacks, global disease ? if you?re so inclined, there?s no shortage of major issues to fret about these days.

Still, a new poll finds that the catastrophic event Americans are most likely to be worried about is economic collapse.

The pollsters asked Americans to choose the top three catastrophic events that worry them the most. The top choice was ?economic collapse,? with 63 percent choosing that option.

Natural disaster was second, at 46 percent, and terrorist attack ranked third at 44 percent.

Market research firm Leiflin Inc. asked the question on behalf of the EcoHealth Alliance, a conservation group that also works on global disease issues. One-third of the people surveyed said a global disease outbreak was one of their top three worries.

The poll of about 1,000 Americans, conducted this fall, had a margin of error of 3 percent.

The pollsters did not specify whether they were referring to global or national economic collapse. Still, after four years of very difficult economic times, it?s no surprise economic worries are top of mind for many Americans.


Your grocery bill is getting higher, and higher

It?s the economy, not the debt, stupid

What are you most worried about?


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